Saturday, February 16, 2013

First comes Love, Then comes Marriage...

Then comes the cradle list.

Getting pregnant is not a race.
Sure maybe someday I'll want to have lil chillin's as badly as Ben does, but until then I would like to check off my cradle list.
What is a cradle list? It's like a bucket list, but instead of things you want to accomplish before you die, it's things you want to accomplish before you have screaming babies.

This is mine so far:
1. Travel (Mainly Scotland next summer)
2. Get a puppy (I want my kids to grow up with a pet)
3. Move (Into a real home, or an apartment that's more sound proof)
4. Get a second car (The one we have right now doesn't even belong to us...)
5. Save (It is nearly impossible to save when you first get married)
6. Day job (Ben needs a day job, no more of this working until midnight every night)
7. Concerts (We are really getting into concerts lately, and I want to see as many as we want)
8. Splurge (I still need to buy clothes for myself, let alone a newborn)
9. Work out (I want to actually have a nice body to lose when I get pregnant)
10. Enjoy each other (We've only been married six months, I want to have him to myself a bit longer)

That's all I've got right now, but it keeps me motivated to work towards those things, baby or no baby. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Everyone deserves a pick me up

and here's one from me:
(everyone should do this)

Now you will never look at a monkey bum the same.
Have an excellent day!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sold Out Mackelmore Concert

Where do I start...
Ben and Sharon picked me up from work and we went straight up to Park City.
When we got there we had to park almost 7 miles away from main street which is where the venue was. Luckily, during the film festival Park City has free shuttles everywhere that take you into town! We got to main street about 7pm and just wandered the shops and hung out in some weird lounge until the doors opened at 8:30.
While we were looking in stores, we found this and laughed:
 We were one of the first people in there and it was the fanciest venue I've ever seen before. There were little chandeliers hanging everywhere, and vip booths set up all over, it was cool looking.
 Now keep in mind this was a 21 + concert, and we came to find out why fairly quickly. There were about 4 bars set up around the room, and girls in their underwear serving alcohol to everyone, and there's more, but I'll explain that in a minute. We decided to stand right up next to the stage about an hour and a half before it was supposed to start, just so we could be close...little did we know that the owner of the venue had seriously pissed "The Talent" (as all the bouncers were calling them) off. Most of you have probably heard about Neon Trees canceling their show there because of ticket prices, well, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis tried to do the same thing but were unable to find a different venue, so what did they do instead to stick it to the man? Start their concert TWO HOURS late!! Sharon was keeping up with his tweets so we were aware that we were going to be standing for four hours total smashed up against psycho strangers and big huge bouncers before the show even started.

Don't even worry though, the owners of the venue knew exactly how to entertain everyone while they waited.... we got to watch like 13 different go-go dancers shake their butts in our faces...for two. hours. There was no avoiding it, the venue was filling up so incredibly fast, there was no moving, and we had already committed to staying in the front. It was the longest two hours of my life, luckily Sharon was entertaining me with stories of what she would do if she were a dancer, like she would eat a Cafe Rio salad on stage. While that was happening, we were lucky enough to get to know the girl on crack, the couple that used to be mormon and the old married people that were at least in their late fifties. I didn't take pictures of ANY of that.

Thank goodness the show actually started, people kept saying that there were too many people there and that if any more kept showing up that they would have to shut the whole thing down. The bouncers in front of us kept saying how crazy it was and how they've never ever seen so many people there before. I might have just died if they ended up canceling it, four hours of girls in thongs is too much to handle for nothing. Macklemore finally FINALLY showed up though at midnight, and he did such an excellent job. He was super entertaining, he was very interactive with everyone there and he was so much smaller than I imagined him. He's just a tiny tiny little guy! Ben almost died when he got to give him high fives and touch his thrift shop fur coat. We all took so many pictures and videos, it was so worth it standing around for so long to be as close as we were. He was literally in our faces the entire time. When the concert ended, I reached over and grabbed the set list, but the bouncer made me give it back, because the "scheduled encore" (I think that's so dumb) wasn't done yet, but when it was over, he handed it to me =]

Afterward, we ran to the shuttle station but of course, where we needed to go had stopped shuttling people at midnight. So we went back to main street and caught this huge bus looking van with a Taxi sign on the top of it and had to pay him $25 to take us back to the car. We drove though the canyon in such thick fog, it was terrifying but we made it back at about 3 in the morning. I've never been so anxious to take a shower and get into my bed.

It was an incredibly fun night, super crazy and really really long. I'm so glad we were able to find tickets at such a late notice, and I wanted to thank the stranger that accidentally texted the wrong number that ended up being Sharon's phone and telling her about this concert none of us even knew existed.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Guess what we finally did?? GOT REAL FURNITURE! I've been so excited for the day when our apartment is finally all put together! The last piece is getting a real bed, not a full mattress that's on the ground, and hopefully that will happen var var soon.We also don't have anything up on our walls, but in our contract, it says we can't put any holes in the walls! So that makes it hard to decorate, I'm working on it though.
Ok, here's the unveiling, are you psyched? Probs not because this is extremely boring stuff but here it goes:

Front room before.....

Front room AFTER!

Spare bedroom before....

Spare bedroom AFTER!
SUCH an improvement! Now we can actually have our nephew's and niece over for sleepovers and we can bust out the N64, Game cube and PS 2! I love not having a crowded home, it makes being here so much nicer. Ben had to throw a lot of his stuff away, and I thank him for that, I know it was tough babe, but it had to be man should have 8 boxes of "things".
Come visit us! and we will give you a 3 minutes tour of our humble abode.