Friday, October 19, 2012

Not my Mom

Earlier this week my parents invited Ben and I to dinner and a Dexter party (our favorite show).

My parents called and said they would meet us at the restaurant, so Ben and I hopped in the car. When we got there, this is the first thing we saw:

Tell me that doesn't look like Shonagh Davis' back side?!? I thought it was her....until she stood up at a table across the room. Then my dad came to talk to us, and I told him that was NOT mom standing in front of us. He replied, "Woah, that really does look like her! Good thing I didn't grab her."
The best part was when she turned around. Her face looked much, much older than then rest of her. Quite a shocker.

I've been laughing about this picture all week.

p.s. one of these days we will unpack our apartment, but until then I cannot post about it. Patience.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Haha! That is weird, it TOTALLY looks like her!