Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bye Bye Bunny

We've got some catching up to do.
Remember this post?
We absolutely loved that little bunny. When we finally moved into our apartment, I begged the landlord with every bit of persuasive writing I've ever learned from English classes to let us keep Rio. Of course, the answer was simply "no."
I was heartbroken, I probably cried more than necessary. My dad continued to keep Rio at the house until I could find someone to take her.
In between renewing KSL ad's, and frequent trips to Walmart to get bunny food for a bunny I didn't even get to see on a regular basis, I made a discovery. Our little girl was, in fact, a very big boy. I don't know what was wrong with the person that sold HIM to us, but we distinctly asked for a girl, and we got the opposite. It was as if that little bunny matured over night, because as Ben put it, "He just wanted to fertilize the universe." It was such a strange day, but we still loved that little bunny! So the first thing I did was get on KSL and change all the ad's I had for a female bunny, to a male bunny and it only took a couple days before I finally got a text from someone that wanted to come see him.
Luckily I was at work when the guy came to get Rio from Ben, or else I would have lost it. Needless to say, no more pets until we can keep them for good. If we ever have kids that want pets, I'll probably go get it the minute they ask for it.

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