Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Break

It is finally spring break!!!! Although, being an adult, responsible and all with a job, spring break does not consist of running off to a sunny place to soak up the sun and bum the week away. No, this years spring break just allows me to take a breather from school before I head into work everyday. That's OK though, why you ask? I will tell you why, my gorgeous fiance has taken a few days off work to come home! :) It has been about a month since the last time I got to see that beautiful face, and that is WAY too long! To say the least, I miss her with every molecule of my being. This will surely be a wonderful week getting to spend time with and see her.

One more thing, since it's been awhile since our last post...
Today marks 5 months exactly until Linds and I get married! And we have officially, as of the 3rd of march, been engaged for a month! It's been an amazing month, and many, many, MANY more to be had together :)


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