Monday, February 27, 2012

Sleep Aid

So those of you that know me well, know how much I love Nyquil. I love taking it and being asleep before I even get to my bedroom. It's the best part about being sick.
Benny has been feeling under the weather the last few days. His schedule is so busy, I don't think he can afford to be sick. Here's the problem, he never takes medicine, ever. I try to give him ibuprofen and he looks at me like I'm the devil. So last night I asked him to take Nyquil and get to bed early so he could get a good nights sleep and hopefully start feeling better. Now I don't know if he's ever taken Nyquil before, or how long it had been since he had....but it's never happening again. I said good night to him at nine pm last night, nine. Guess when he woke up? Twelve. Twelve in the afternoon. Benjamin slept for fifteen hours. He took that medicine and went into hibernation.

In other news.... I have purchased my ticket to see Hunger Games! I cannot believe the day is finally here. I remember a year ago reading about the movie coming out and it's FINALLY HERE!


1 comment:

Millie said...

I could only imagine how long he would have slept if you would have given him codeine. Haha! Be sure you never get prescribed that. It may become your new favorite drug.